You can forward your curriculum vitae to us via the internet web site
Besides the internet environment, you can fill in the application forms which can be obtained at the entrance gate of our factory.
Every day all the databases are examined and the candidates evaluated as suitable to meet our needs are contacted by us. Our answering rate to the applications directed via is around 99%.
Vacant Positions
You can access the vacant positions at AKSA and send your curriculum vitae via the internet site
In our recruitment and job placement process, the objective is to achieve the company strategy and goals by winning the candidates who are suitable to our corporate culture and values, who possess the knowledge, abilities and competency required for the respective job and position, who would be able to carry our company further to the future.
During the recruitment and job placement process, we proceed based on the principle “The right person for the right job”, applying the contemporary evaluation methods which support the objective decision making.
Starting from the principle “The right person for the right job”, the following evaluation instruments are totally or partially employed, depending on the position requirements.
• Competency Based Interview
• Evaluation Center Implementations
• English Proficiency Level Determination Examination
• Personality Inventory
By using the mentioned evaluation methods, the job placement of the candidates is provided according to their knowledge, ability and competency and qualifications.