At Aksa Akrilik, we aim to create long-term sustainable value for all our stakeholders and maintain our sector leadership with our sustainable and profitable growth-oriented business model.
We contribute directly to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the works we carry out in line with our sustainability principles and sustainability focus.
Our Sustainability Principles and Focus Topics
“We are reducing the footprint of our operations.”
We regularly measure and report the environmental impact of all our activities to minimize the effects of global environmental risks such as climate changes and the reduction of natural resources. We identify the points that are open for improvement and determine the actions we will take in this direction.
Our priority topics in the focus of clean and safe operations are “Climate Crisis and Energy Management”, “Air Emissions”, “Water and Wastewater Management” and cover our efforts to combat climate change.
“We shape our future with innovations”
We are improving our ability to adapt to changing conditions by responding to the technology and digitalization trend that triggers a great global transformation. We produce sustainable solutions to global problems with our innovative and low environmental impact product designs.
Our priority topics in the focus of Sustainable Innovations have been determined as “R&D and Innovation”, “Product Development Suitable for Environment and Human Health” and “Circular Economy”. These topics include our digitalization and technology investments, our product designs in R&D, and the work we do in the field of upcycling and recycling.
“We are growing together with all our stakeholders”
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, we fulfil our responsibilities in line with 10 basic principles under the main headings of "Human Rights", "Labor Standards", "the Environment" and "Anti Corruption". We are working to expand our Company's sustainability approach across our entire value chain.
Our priority topics in the focus of a Sustainable Value Chain are “Value Chain Management”, “Financial Performance and Customer Satisfaction”. Our priority topics in the focus of Strong People/Strong Society are "Occupational Health and Safety", "Human and Employee Rights", "Qualified Workforce and Talent Management", "Diversity and Equal Opportunity". These topics cover the work we do in line with our commitment to create sustainable positive values for all our stakeholders in the areas of social, economic and environmental impact and to carry these values into the future.