Cengiz TAŞ
Member of the Board of Directors

Born in Bursa in 1966, Cengiz TAŞ graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Boğaziçi University in 1989. He started his career as an Investment Planning Engineer at Kordsa in 1989. Mr. TAŞ began working as a Budget Specialist at Ak-Al Tekstil Sanayii Anonim Şirketi, an Akkök Holding Company, in 1991. Between 2004 and 2011, he held the positions of Budget Supervisor, Budget Manager, Production Coordinator, Assistant General Manager in charge of Planning, and General Manager. Since February 1, 2011, he has been serving as a Board Member and General Manager of Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii A.Ş. Cengiz TAŞ, an Executive Board Member of Akkök Holding, also serves on the Board of Directors of Akkök Group Companies. He is a member of several organizations and continues to serve on the board of the Textile Industry Employers' Union of Turkey. He is married with two children and speaks both French and English.

Cengiz Taş is not an independent member according to the CMB Corporate Governance Principles. Cengiz Taş's responsibilities during the past decade have been outlined, and there are no further difficulties that may impair the Company's operations if he is elected to the Board.

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