Human Rights Policy

Purpose and Scope

Respect for human rights is one of the fundamental values and commitments of Akkök Group of Companies. This policy aims to create a framework for implementing our commitments regarding human rights. Board Members of Akkök Group of Companies as well as our executives, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, legal counsels and advisors, business partners and all other stakeholders are expected to adhere to this policy.

As defined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, respect for human rights means preventing violation of the rights of others and taking necessary actions in case any such violation occurs. Furthermore, we adhere to the laws and international conventions on human rights in all countries and business fields where we perform our operations. At Akkök Group of Companies, we regard human rights as an integral part of our corporate culture and Code of Business Ethics rather than simply being a matter of legal compliance.

We fulfill the requirements of the UN Global Compact, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and similar codes and try to respect the rights of all our stakeholders.

At Akkök Group of Companies, we ensure that our employees have working standards which are compatible with the generally accepted international labor standards and laws of the countries where we operate. We are against discrimination in employment and profession, child labor and all forms of compulsory and forced labor. We believe in equal wage and opportunity.

Akkök Group of Companies respect the employees’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining; maintain constructive communication with employee representatives .

Employees can join a trade union and elect their own representatives. Employees have the right to speak, assemble, strike and bargain collectively without fear of retaliation.

Diversity and Inclusion

At Akkök Group of Companies, we oppose all forms of discrimination. We treat all employees fairly and honestly. We prioritize diversity and equal opportunity amongst employees and candidates. We do not tolerate discrimination based on race, language, religion, sect, gender, color, sexual orientation, age, social status, mental and physical disability. Our policy of zero tolerance to discrimination applies to all human resources processes including hiring and recruitment, promotion, performance management, training, career planning, succession planning, remuneration and benefits.

Working Environment

We treat all employees honestly and fairly. We make best efforts to promote safety and peace at the work place. At Akkök Group of Companies, we are dedicated to creating a positive and harmonious working environment based on cooperation and mutual respect which is free from all sorts of harassment and unprofessional conduct. In matters of remuneration, working hours, benefits, overtime and similar matters, we comply with the laws and regulations of the countries where we operate. We respect work-private life balance.

Employees are not allowed to use alcohol and substances at work and during working hours. They do not work under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs and substances in or outside the work place.

Health and Safety

We adopt all kinds of measures required to ensure occupational health and safety of our employees at the work place. We strive to take measures against occupational accidents, injuries and other conditions which will be detrimental to health of our employees. We conform to all laws and regulations on health and safety. We also inform our employees about the worksites outside the office.

Prevention of Harassment and Violence

We do not tolerate any form of mobbing, harassment, intimidation, threat, bullying, neglect and similar conduct which are meant to humiliate and damage the reputability of an individual in society. Executives and employees will not intimidate and humiliate anyone at work. They will not engage in any behavior which makes another person feel under threat or unsafe. Verbal attacks, threats and all kinds of hostility, intimidation and aggression are amongst these behaviors. Akkök Group of Companies operates an Ethics Hotline in order to allow employees to report such behaviors. We do not take a reprisal action against people who report and complain about any harassment or those who assist in the investigation processes.

Prevention of Child Labor and Forced Labor

We do not tolerate modern slavery, prison labor and forced labor. We expect our suppliers, subcontractors and other stakeholders to likewise not tolerate any form of forced labor.

We do not employ child labor and we expect the same responsibility from our suppliers, subcontractors and all other stakeholders.