Policy on Donations and Aids

The company shall make aids and donations for corporate social responsibility purposes based on the following criteria in line with the provisions of Capital Board and other applicable regulations;

1.Scope of aids and donations;

-  The Company may give donations and aids to the departments included in the general budget, annexed budget administrations, provincial special administrations, municipalities and villages, foundations and disaster areas for which tax exemption is granted by the Council of Ministers, associations useful for public interest, non-governmental organizations, local sports clubs, institutions and organizations conducting scientific research and development activities, universities and other educational institutions and the institutions conduction activity in the fields of culture, art, environment, education and similar issues intended for social benefit,

-  Aids and donations may be given in cash or in kind,

-  Any and all donations and aids are made in accordance with the principles regarding the donations and aids policy referred to in this text,

-  In the process of taking decision or giving approval for the institution to which any donation or grant is to be provided, the conformity to the social responsibility policies of the Company and Akkök Group of Companies shall always be taken into consideration regarding the method and amount of the donation and grant,

2.Upper limit of the donations and aids have been determined to be 100.000.000-TL for each calendar year and the General Assembly is authorized to change this limit,

3.The Company shall present explanatory information regarding the donations and aids made in the related year to the shareholders at the ordinary general assembly meeting every year.